Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
NLP makes it possible for computers to understand text, interpret speech, measure sentiment, and determine which parts might be important. Although the artificial intelligence (AI) branch of NLP has grown significantly, experts say its implementation remains one of the biggest big data challenges. Using NPL, computers can communicate with humans in their own language. For instance, a chatbot is an AI application that simulates human conversation through text chats, voice commands, or both. Chatbots can be embedded into a webpage or integrated into messaging applications.

Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation

Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation: Language for Knowledge and Knowledge for Language.
Łucja Iwańska and Stuart Shapiro’s interdisciplinary book covers a range of implementations and designs, from formal computational models to large-scale natural language processing systems.

Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence

One of the issues with natural language processing is dealing with word sense disambiguation (WSD), especially when coding effective chatbots. It can be difficult to determine the meaning of a word being used in a particular context, an action that is natural in humans but difficult for computer programs.
Sameer Singh

Sameer Singh

Photo by Vibhuti Ramachandran
Sameer Singh is an associate professor of computer science at UCI and an Allen AI Fellow at the Allen Institute for AI. He is working primarily on the robustness and interpretability of machine learning algorithms, along with models that reason with text and structure for natural language processing. He has been selected as a DARPA Riser and received the NSF CAREER Award, UCI Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award, and Hellman Faculty Fellowship.
Amazon Echo Dot 2nd Generation (Alexa)

Amazon Echo Dot 2nd Generation (Alexa)

The Amazon Echo (Alexa) works using natural language processing, language generation, and machine learning to both operate and perform better over time.

ANTswers Chatbot

ANTswers: Your Interactive FAQ
Released in 2014, ANTswers is an experimental chatbot that answers questions about UCI Libraries. Its personality is modeled after the UCI mascot, Peter the Anteater.
ANTswers Programming Code

ANTswers Programming Code

UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files (ANTswers)
ANTswers was programmed using the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML).
ANTswers Service-Related Inquiries
Click to enlarge

ANTswers Service-Related Inquiries

UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files (ANTswers)
UCI Libraries’ patrons ask about a range of services via ANTswers.
ANTswers Questions
Click to enlarge

ANTswers Questions

UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files (ANTswers)
Between 2014 and 2021, ANTswers responded to 15,779 library-related and general questions.

ANTswers Website and Code

UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files (ANTswers)
The UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files website and data repository includes original code and publications related to UCI Libraries’ chatbot, ANTswers.

ANTswers Data Repository

UCI Libraries’ Chatbot Files (ANTswers)
Data from UCI Libraries’ chatbot, ANTswers, is available on Dryad, the University of California’s data repository.